Saturday, March 31, 2012

Bring the Living Water

John 4:7

A Samaritan woman came to draw water, and Jesus said to her, “Give me a drink.”


Somebody bring me some water
Can't you see I'm burning alive

"Bring Me Some Water" by Melissa Etheridge

Burning thirst, we all know it, the woman at the well knows it better than most though.

She went to the well at noon. Anyone who went to the well to get water knew to go in the morning and in the evening. The air was cooler and so was the water. The only reason not to go then was if you wanted to avoid everyone. This woman wanted to avoid everyone.

She had had five husbands, and the man she now lived with was not her husband. Scripture doesn't say what happened to the other five. Was she abandoned? Was she divorced? Was she a widow? Was it a combination of the three? Anyway you slice it, she was seen by the other women as unseemly and as a rival for their husbands and sons. Today we would say she was bullied. Because of their bullying, she decided she'd rather get her water at the worst time of day rather than see the other women.

One fine day, Jesus was at the well when she arrived. He was burning alive in the midday sun and asked her for water. Now this just didn't happen. Across time and space, society collectively gasped when this happened. She knew any conversation between them was dicey for the both of them and asked how he could ask her for water.

This is when Jesus tells the world about the living water, the water that will become a spring of water gushing up with eternal life in all the people. She wants to know how to get some of that, who doesn't? So he tells her.

He tells her that the time is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, just like the Father wants. This is when the woman said to him, “I know that Messiah is coming and when he comes, he will proclaim all things to us.” So Jesus said to her, “I am he.”

Jesus tells her not just that he is the living water but that he is the Messiah she awaits. He says so using the holiest phrase in the Old Testament, "I AM."

It's time to think of this as a call to evangelism, to share the Word of God with those we love and those we revile. We are all burning alive, and the only thing that will satisfy the thirst is the living water of Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the Great I AM.

It's time to hear the world cry out "somebody bring me some water, somebody give me a drink" and bring the only water that satisfies. We need to bring the living water of Jesus Christ.

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